The 2-Step Scholar

Learn anything in any amount of time using AI, Harvard promotes AI in education, and more...

Today’s lesson: The 2-Step Scholar - Learn anything in any amount of time
Read time: 2.5 minutes

Hello friend,

This week enhance your skills with the 2 Step Scholar process which teaches you how to use AI to learn anything in seconds.

Get ahead of the AI game with A Machine. This weekly email is packed with the latest on AI assistants, assistance, announcements, and amusement. Learn the tech and apply it to your daily life, don’t miss out and subscribe today! 🤖📩

Class is in session.

Choose your AI assistant 🤖 

ChatGPT: Free powerful and accurate generative AI that offers a premium paid experience.

Google Bard: Free LLM with internet access via Google Search. The mobile app comes with camera functionality for a multimodal experience.

Bing AI: New Bing is built into the Bing browser and it is actively ready to search the web for you.

Learn anything, in any amount of time ⏱️ 

Our favorite scholar: Spongebob Squarepants

Using your LLM of choice (like ChatGPT) you can educate yourself to any level of mastery on a particular subject with just one prompt.

When you follow prompt engineering principles it’s as simple as (1) asking a question followed by (2) choosing an answer delivery method.

  • Ask the question and remember to “Set the Scene.” (IMPORTANT)

  • Choose an answer delivery method, this can be a story, conversation, timeline, or a simple description.

Remember that if the answers that you receive aren’t adequate, you can generate new answers immediately. If you don’t understand a concept, ask to learn it differently!

Teaching quantum entanglement in 1 minute ⚛️

This could be us…

Learning anything, even quantum entanglement, can be simple. Read the demonstration ChatGPT conversation here.

  1. Set the Scene.

  2. Ask your LLM to teach you anything in the necessary timeframe.

If you have questions (as any scholar would 🧑‍🎓 ) continue the conversation.

Remember, depending on what LLM tool you use there are multimodal functionalities such as web search and image recognition that can aid in this process.

Harvard thinks students should use AI…

I’d listen to this guy any day.

A report from Anthology & Chegg finds that despite over half of US students believing that AI tool use will increase in the next six months, only 38% use them even on a monthly basis. Sounds like reading A Machine keeps you ahead of the game.

Harvard’s recent “AI & Education” event with Axim Collaborative brought out the stars (such as Sal Kahn of Kahn Academy) to highlight AI’s role in educational equity.

Check out my Twitter!

Roleplay as a professor and grade me 🧑‍🏫

Please Reply to these emails with feedback or any topics you are interested in.

Claim your reward 🎁 

See you scholars next week 🧑‍🎓 

Make sure to check out all the information I have linked throughout the email and the resources + art below.

Thanks for reading,
See you Monday!

p.s. if you want to sign up for this weekly email or share it with a friend you can do so here or check out the Discord

A.I. is good at predicting what word should come next, so you want to be really good at being unpredictable, departing from the conventional.

- New York Times

A look inside the minds of our youth.

My imaginary friends from pre-school take form…

prompt: using DALLE3 make abstract watercolor painting on a black graphite background. The watercolors should overlap and make a colorful collage representing the explosivity of emotion in a young persons mind