ChatGPT Prompt Engineering

Get work done with tools like ChatGPT

Today’s lesson: LLM prompt engineering
Read time: 2.5 minutes

Hello friend,

This is the first installment of A Machine with Jace Arnold, a weekly newsletter that will teach you how to ace your classes and educate yourself the right way.
The AI way.

Thanks to massive leaps in natural language processing technology you (yes you!) can now accomplish more work than ever with even less effort. Goodbye painful hours of homework, goodbye stress!

This weekly email will teach you about AI and the tools you can apply daily to increase your productivity, automate workflows, and upgrade your technical repertoire entirely.

Class is in session


A Large Language Model (LLM) is a natural language processing tool that's trained on extensive text data to understand and generate text in a human-like manner by guessing the next word. Despite its capabilities, an LLM is NOT intelligent.

Now, popular natural language processing models such as ChatGPT are in use every day by millions of people worldwide. Thanks to such tools there has been a massive leap in productivity for individuals and teams alike. It’s time to hop on the wave or get left behind!

How to win with LLMs
Learn to prompt your model effectively.

  • Give to get - The more information you feed into the prompt, the better your result will be.

  • Set the scene - Turn your AI assistant into your dream teammate through roleplay. Try out “Act as a school teacher to…

  • Converse and refine - Don’t just ask one question, this isn’t a search engine. Have an intelligent conversation, remain curious, and let your imagination go wild.

  • Utilize patterns - LLM’s predict the next word based on their training and your conversation history. Utilize different patterns such as “from here on out…” or “revise my question/answer and provide … alternatives” to automate your workflow.

  • Practice - Use these tools every day for education, problem-solving, idea generation, creative development, and having fun!


Ask your LLM of choice a question as you may in any search engine such as Google. The question can be short or lacking details.

As you can see, the information you receive may be out of context, unimportant, or just straight-up wrong.

Then, implement the strategies outlined in How to win with LLM’s.

Victory! Now we have the answers for our specific situation, answered in a format we desire.


This newsletter is a one-man show produced for you entirely free of charge. Research and production take a lot of time and I don’t sell anything so I only have one ask.

Please help spread the word about A Machine so that more students can save more time, educate themselves, and live happier lives. I ask that you forward or share this email with just one person whom you believe will benefit as much as you did.

Your input is essential to these email’s quality, reply to these emails with problems you need to be solved by AI or any topics you are interested in.



Don’t forget, practice, practice, practice. These skills won’t develop on their own, use these tools daily, use them for things you don’t need to, and use them for fun! Make sure to check out all the information I have linked throughout the email and in the resources below.

Thanks for reading,
See you Monday!

p.s. if you want to sign up for this weekly email or share it with a friend you can do so here or check out our Discord

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.”

- Yann LeCun