Downloading Creativity

Revolutionizing Idea Generation with AI Assistants.

Today’s lesson: Idea Generation
Read time: 3 minutes

Hello friend,

This edition is truly going to be a Thanksgiving treat! What you learn this week is fun and applicable every day as we dive into utilizing natural language processing for idea generation 🚀 

This weekly email will teach you about AI tech you can apply daily. Remember, you are one AI tool away from an A on that assignment you’ve been dreading.

Class is in session.

Choose your AI Assistant.

Your brainstorming assistant. Generate ideas, draft content, and get feedback. Play any role and see many perspectives.

ChatGPT: GPT-3.5 is very powerful and for premium users, GPT-4 is multi-modal, internet-ready, comes with plugins, and a built-in Python interpreter.

Google Bard: A free LLM with a mobile app that comes equipped with camera functionality!

Microsoft Bing: New Bing is built into the Bing browser and it is actively ready to search the web for you.

My 1-year culmination of daily AI practice  

For the past year, I have used ChatGPT religiously. I am on this tool every single day actively for multiple hours a day.

In my experience I recommend reading What is ChatGPT Doing… and Why Does it Work by Stephen Wolfram and taking Vanderbilt’s online Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT course.

Here is what I learned
Following solid ChatGPT Prompt Engineering principles, utilize these strategies.

  • Pretend ChatGPT is your ever-present assistant that knows everything. 

    • If there is anything you ever take from this newsletter I recommend this be it. 

  • Use ChatGPT to simulate different options of potential solutions.

  • Drill down on any task and implement solutions step by step.

  • Use long conversations with ChatGPT and revisit old threads to utilize again and again.

True power comes from applying these methods together and implementing them as one overarching framework for utilizing ChatGPT.

Simplify and succeed at complex tasks with an AI Assistant.

Step 1. Identify a complex task that needs to be completed, for this example, we will use completing a project with a coworker or teammate.

Use your LLM of choice (like ChatGPT) to break down the goal into action items.

Provide content, establish the goal, and break it down.

Step 2. Follow solid ChatGPT Prompt Engineering principles like “Setting the Scene” to specify that you want any number of different variations with different tones based on the target audience.

Create different potential solutions.

Step 3. Download some creativity! Splinter off different ideas into infinite possibilities. Select one or multiple of the different solutions and expand upon them further.

Keep the ideas flowing!

Keep the conversation going to rinse and repeat!

This is the process that I reuse multiple times every day to break down goals into action steps and then attack each step using ChatGPT as my assistant.

Let me know what you think of this week’s article.

Please Reply to these emails with feedback or any topics you are interested in.

Limited-time giveaway offer below!

Seriously, this is my best advice -

Make sure to check out all the information I have linked throughout the email and the resources + art below.

This week only, the first 10 people to reply to this email with feedback get 4 AI prompts to stimulate idea generation. 🎁 

Thanks for reading,
See you Monday!

p.s. if you want to sign up for this weekly email or share it with a friend you can do so here or check out the Discord

The role of AI in education is not to replace educators, but to enhance the learning experience and make education more accessible to all students.

- Dr. Patricia B. Arinto

This is some seriously serene beauty.

I want to be here. Take me here immediately.

prompt: Using DALLE-3 make a painting using the hues and strokes of wildflower dyes on a staunch canvas of a running creek in a sunny forest. Include signs of wildlife and have small 2 small butterflies in the painting. Include a flock of birds high in the sky.

Enhance your education here 👀