Git Going: A Guide to Version Control Systems

Intro to Git & GitHub, NVDIA valued at $2 trillion, OpenAI seeks $7 trillion, and more...

It’s Monday! Welcome back to A Machine w/ Jace where in this edition I provide a high-level overview of Version Control Systems (VCS) like Git & GitHub. Version control is necessary for any proficient programmer or engineer and is a must-have in the industry.

🧑‍💻 For those of you with development skills, there is a technical tutorial to get you started!

🚗 This past week I took a road trip through Georgia and South Carolina, check out the wrap-up to see what I got up to!

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Bite-sized Automation & AI headlines.

Even their HQ looks AI generated…

📈 US chipmaker NVIDIA reaches a valuation of $2 trillion less than 9 months after reaching a valuation of $1 trillion amidst the AI boom.

💰️ OpenAI seeks $7 trillion to revolutionize the AI chip landscape, aiming for groundbreaking advancements in the chip sector.

♊️ Google issues apology after Gemini shows historically inaccurate content, sparking discussions around the accuracy of AI-generated information.

Version Control With Git & GitHub

git going with code!

Necessary Jargon
To start this lesson, take the time to learn these terms.

Repository (repo)

A digital storage space for your project's files and their revision history.


A parallel version of the repository, allowing simultaneous work on different aspects of the project.


The act of integrating changes from one branch into another.


Creating a local copy of a repository, including all its files and history.

Centralized VCS

All code and history are stored in a single central server. Users check out and commit changes to this central repository.

Decentralized VCS (Distributed)

Each user has a complete copy of the repository, including its full history. Changes can be shared directly between users or through a central server.

What are Version Control Systems and How Do They Work?
A Version Control System (VCS) is a tool that helps developers manage changes to source code over time. It allows multiple people to work on the same codebase simultaneously, tracking each change by each contributor and enabling the team to revert to previous versions if needed.

credit to Cached Insights

How is Collaboration Possible?
These functionalities are what allow VCS to have multiple users, concurrent and asynchronous.

  • Snapshotting: VCS captures "snapshots" of your project with each commit, storing a complete picture of all files at that moment.

  • Branching and Merging: Enables divergent development via branches for new features or fixes, merging integrates these changes back into the main project line, combining histories.

  • Conflict Resolution: When simultaneous edits conflict, VCS provides manual or automatic resolution tools to maintain project integrity.

    Go Team Fox GIF by New Girl

    Gif by new-girl on Giphy

Understanding Git and GitHub’s Roles
Git is an artist’s canvas, and GitHub is their gallery.

  • Git is the backbone of version control, offering a decentralized system for individual developers and teams to manage changes across their project's lifecycle efficiently.

  • GitHub builds on Git's capabilities, providing a collaborative platform that brings projects to life through online hosting. It introduces a user-friendly graphical interface and enriches the development process with features like bug tracking, project management, and social coding opportunities.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The example below is a Git tutorial for audiences with at least beginner-level experience in development. Feel free to skip ahead to the Virtual Opportunities section.

Cloning A Repository Using GitHub

Free hosting, storage, portfolios, and code. GitHub is the best.

Why clone a repository? Imagine having the freedom to explore and tinker with a project's entire codebase on your own terms, or the opportunity to contribute your unique improvements back to the original project. Cloning offers both—a gateway to personal experimentation and public contribution.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial to get you started 👇️ 

Step 1: Setup your Project Environment

  • In your environment of choice (I use VSCode) set up your project’s folder and initial files.

Step 2: Create a GitHub Account

  • If you don't already have a GitHub account, sign up here and verify your email.

Step 3: Locate the Repository

Step 4: Clone the Repository

  • Click the "Code" button above the file list and copy the URL under "Clone with HTTPS".

  • In your programming environment, open your terminal or command prompt.

  • Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository: cd path/to/[your-directory]

  • Enter: git clone 

What Happens Next?
A local clone of the "currency-converter" repository is created in your specified directory. You're now ready to explore and contribute to the project!

To learn more about using Git version control, check out Udemy’s free Git Crash Course.

Curated Virtual Opportunities 🌐

Zoom into your next job!

Virtual Networking 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

Mar 13 - Reserve free tickets to the Virtual Career Fair by Entre, featuring 200+ positions from top tech companies to emerging startups.

Virtual Course of the Week 📚️ 

Get started with Git today using Udemy’s Git Crash Course: Version Control For Software Developers.

P.S. Also check out this fun game Oh My Git! to further visualize and understand git

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Please Reply to these emails with feedback or any topics you are interested in.

Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships.

Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux & Git)

See you scholars next week 🧑‍🎓 

I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand version control if you are interested in pursuing technology as a career. They are a standard of solid development and are the core technology that facilitates collaboration.

Finally, here are some pictures from my road trip. I was lucky enough to see live panda bears before they are sent back to China (these are the last pandas in the US). I also had the joy of victory at BMW Performance Driving School taking first place in my group’s timed trials.

Pandas at Atlanta Zoo 🐼 

won the gold in BMW racing 🥇 

Thanks for reading,
See you Monday!