AI Note-taking Scribes

No More Taking Notes

Today’s lesson: AI Note-taking Scribe (with
Read time: 3 minutes

Hello friend,

Wow! A week has already passed. Today I am introducing AI Scribes, tools designed for taking notes on meetings, lectures, and more! Make sure to check the linked resources for information.

Before we begin, I wanted to let y’all know that I practice what I preach for ChatGPT. Last weekend my team and I attended K-State’s Hackathon and utilizing AI models made a facial recognition anti-surveillance system (coded with ChatGPT!) Check out Ghost Protocol to see what we won!

This weekly email will teach you about AI tech you can apply daily. Remember, you are one AI tool away from an A on that assignment you’ve been dreading ;)

Class is in session.

TOOL OF THE WEEK (affiliate): Transcribe notes on lectures, meetings, podcasts, videos, and live conversations on your browser or mobile device with one button. Learn the full utility here.


Transcription tools like fall under the branch of AI known as Natural Language Processing (NLP), specifically using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models. ASR listens to speech and converts it to text, much like a friend who takes notes for you.

So why use an AI Scribe? Aided by your own personal scribe you can now dedicate 100% of your attention to understanding the content or being present at your meeting instead of taking notes. These tools allow anyone to focus on understanding rather than recording information.


Set up your free account in 1 minute with to record meetings, live conversations, Spotify, and even YouTube videos.
(Trust me, it’s worth it.)

Now listen, I already know that you’re saying “I learn by taking notes.” Just think of how well you could study with your own notes AND an entire transcript with an AI chatbot of whatever you are studying!

This tool can be applied anywhere, anytime not just in your in-person lecture.

  • Record often - Try recording lectures, podcasts, conversations, one-off thoughts, anything and everything!

  • Integrate everywhere - Sync between your calendar, browser, and mobile devices for access and organization.

  • Study - Summarize, ask questions, and learn from your notes every time you visit them.

  • Share with teammates - Share your transcripts, notes, and questions over email.

  • Review and Edit - Go back and update your transcripts so that the model can learn common voices and increase accuracy.


Full guide here.

Account: Make an account here. It is completely free and takes two clicks through a Google account (which optionally ties it to your calendar & meetings).

Selection: Choose a podcast episode or a YouTube video on a topic that interests you.

Record: In your account, at the top right (browser) or bottom right (mobile) select record. Then, off to the races! Play that video, start your meeting, or just think out loud.

Review: Each recording can AI generate a summary, provide a complete transcription with different speakers, and come with an informative chatbot to ask questions.


If you appreciate this content, spread the word about A Machine so that more students can study smarter with intelligent notes. If this helped you I ask that you share this email with one student (they will thank you!)

Please Reply to these emails with problems you need to be solved by AI or any topics you are interested in.


Act like a royal with your own personal scribe, because you deserve the best. Make sure to check out all the information I have linked throughout the email and the resources + art below.

Thanks for reading,
See you Monday!

p.s. if you want to sign up for this weekly email or share it with a friend you can do so here or check out the Discord

“AI has the potential to accelerate achieving global education goals.”



Made with DALLE -3

prompt: make an image of a hyperrealistic photo of a woman in a grassy field. She's wearing a sundress, and the shot is a wide shot from a low angle in front of the woman. Her head is turned to the side as she looks off. She's wearing a sun hat, one of the straw ones. Add a lense bloom from the sun. Keep the vibes happy