Embedded Systems

The universal embedded stack, China's flying cars, Apple Vision Pro for healthcare, and more...

It’s that time again! Welcome back for this week’s edition of A Machine w/ Jace where we are covering Embedded Systems. Read through the lesson today to learn what an embedded system is, where we see them in real life, and the technology that comprises all the gadgets and gizmos we use every day!

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Catch up on the latest A.I. & Biz Tech news, announcements, and amusement with A Machine. This week’s email will teach you about embedded systems.

Bite-sized Automation & AI headlines.


🚗 🕊️ China buys flying car technology, turning sci-fi dreams into an approaching reality in transportation.

🏥eXeX leverages Apple Vision Pro in hospitals, focusing on organizing nurses and doctors to streamline healthcare.

🛰️ 6G network’s role for everyday users questioned, sparking debate on whether its consumer benefits outweigh its costs.

What is an Embedded System?

GIif By Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski on Giphy

⚠️ This lesson is a high-level, non-technical overview of embedded systems.

An embedded system is a computer system—a combination of a computer processor, computer memory, and input/output peripheral devices—that has a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electronic system.

Embedded systems are everywhere, from the navigation in your car to the self-checkout scanner at the store. While the look and purpose of these systems may change, the underlying technology is always similar.

Layers of an Embedded System:

  • Application Layer: At the top of the stack, application code is written to perform the specific functions the embedded system is designed for, think user input and output.

  • Middleware: Acts as an interface linking applications to the OS, enabling cross-platform application development and simplifying integration across different systems.

  • Operating System (OS) Layer: Designed for running application software and managing hardware resources. The OS provides essential services such as process management, memory management, and device I/O management.

  • Firmware/Device Drivers: Provides the necessary interface for higher-level software to communicate with hardware components.

  • Hardware Layer: The lowest level of the embedded tech stack consists of the physical hardware components, such as microcontrollers (MCUs) or sensors.

Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things

The thermostat looks like H.A.L.

Welcome to the future, where your vacuum requires wifi and a password. To understand how embedded systems are so prevalent in our lives, let's take a closer look at how a smart thermostat system utilizes the layered architecture of the embedded tech stack.

  • Application Layer: The user interface application allows users to set desired temperatures, schedules, and preferences, using OS services to manipulate the heating/cooling hardware accordingly.

  • Middleware layer: Enhances app-OS communication and abstracts hardware details, simplifying app functionality across various devices for consistent temperature control.

  • Operating System (OS) Layer: The OS manages resources and timing, ensuring tasks for temperature control are effectively executed.

  • Firmware/Device Drivers: Translates software commands into hardware actions, like adjusting temperature, by interpreting sensor data and managing heating/cooling mechanisms.

  • Hardware Layer: Consists of temperature sensors to monitor the room and actuators to control the heating/cooling unit.

Curated Virtual Opportunities 🌐

expand your knowledge!

Virtual Networking 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

April 13 - Reserve free tickets for a Virtual Career Fair by Rise showcasing remote jobs in AI and Machine Learning.

Virtual Course of the Week 📚️ 

Learn more about embedded systems with this intermediate-level course by Coursera, Introduction to Embedded Systems.

Sphere: Photorealistic 3D Tours with Your Smartphone

Sphere allows the creation of 3D tours by leveraging AI to transform phone scans into a 3D model of your living space. While the result may not be ultra-high quality, it opens the door for many to engage in virtual space representation affordably. Ideal for Airbnb hosts and interior designers who don’t want to spend money on professional camera gear to make a hyper-realistic 3D tour of their home. Sphere is currently on a waitlist, but its potential is showcased on their website, indicating a promising future for budget-friendly, digital space exploration.

Please Reply to these emails with feedback or any topics you are interested in.

A system is never the sum of its parts its the product of their interaction.

Russell Ackoff

See you scholars next week 🧑‍🎓 

This week’s lesson was chosen for the necessity of our audience, with the goal of the article to make readers curious about the technologies that surround them every day.

If you are wondering why last week there was no upload, I was in Japan!

Mountain Pagoda

Land of the Rising Sun

Sendai Daikannon

Thanks for reading,
See you Monday!