Big Data's Best Friend: Personalized Content Algorithms

PLUS: Secure your online data, video-games have AI NPC's, Neuralink breakthroughs, and more...

How did you find out about this newsletter? At some point, somebody or something somewhere recommended A Machine w/ Jace to you and now it has become content that you engage with (hopefully every week 😉). This week’s edition will cover Personalized Content Algorithms and the multi-billion dollar data market built around them.

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Catch up on the latest A.I. & Biz Tech news, announcements, and amusement with A Machine. This week’s email will teach you about Personalized Content Algorithms, Core Model Types, and the impact of Web 3.0!

Bite-sized Automation & AI headlines.

Giving “NPC” a whole new meaning…

🎮️ AI-driven video game characters are now capable of sophisticated interactions, bringing a new depth to gameplay with their understanding of their lore and game world.

Personalized Content Algorithms

Personalized content algorithms are the silent workhorses behind the scenes of many websites and apps, curating what you see to your unique taste. This lesson provides a high-level overview of such algorithms and their use online.

Core Model Types

By analyzing your digital breadcrumbs, these algorithms help tailor your online experience, aiming to show you what you'll find most engaging, whether that's a product, a news article, or a video.

  1. Collaborative Filtering recommends content by identifying patterns among users with similar tastes.

  2. Content-Based Filtering suggests items by focusing on the content's properties, compared to the user's past preferences.

  3. Hybrid Models leverage both approaches to enhance recommendation quality and address their inherent limitations. This is used by most major online companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc.

Global Impact and Market Value

The industry built around user data is vast and integral to the global market. Valued at over $307 billion, it is on a trajectory to nearly double by 2030, reaching approximately $745 billion. This growth underscores the immense economic stakes attached to data collection, analysis, and personalization. The scale of its impact is global, affecting billions of users who interact with digital platforms daily, making personal data one of the most valuable resources in the digital age.

Billions of Data Profiles 👤

It could be anyone, even somebody in this very room!

For this example, meet Alex. If you are reading this, it is safe to assume you are an “Alex”. There are billions, yes, billions of Alex’s across the globe with data profiles built upon their internet activity to be sold and marketed to by anyone and everyone. Please, let Alex be your reminder to protect yourself and your data.

User Profile: Alex Johnson
Information Price: $0.039

  • Location: San Francisco, CA

  • Occupation: Software Engineer

  • Interests: Indie music, science fiction TV shows, vegetarian cuisine

  • Devices: iPhone 12, MacBook Pro

  • Digital Behavior: Uses Instagram, Spotify, Amazon, and Netflix. Average screen time of 7 hours/day.

  • Online Behavior: Recent searches include “best wireless headphones 2024”, “vegetarian recipes for beginners”, and “marathon preparation tips”.

  • Purchases: Regularly buys tech gadgets, running gear, and books on Amazon. Prefers eco-friendly brands.

  • Social Media Activity: Active on Instagram and Facebook, engaging with content related to technology, fitness, and vegetarian cooking.

  • Personality Traits: Likely adventurous, given travel history and interest in outdoor activities. Values technology and staying informed on the latest trends.

  • Potential Needs: Could be interested in purchasing a new pair of running shoes soon, based on frequent shopping for running gear and participation in a marathon.

  • Life Events: Planning to move, indicated by searches related to new apartments in San Francisco and moving companies.

Protecting your data comes in all shapes and sizes. This is because surveillance can come from malicious attacks by outside organizations or more commonly social media platforms and websites we use willingly.

Curated Virtual Opportunities 🌐

Networks are a compounding of ability and opportunity.

Virtual Networking 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

Mar 29 - Reserve free tickets for the Exclusive Remote Tech Hiring Event, created for remote tech job seekers.

Virtual Course of the Week 📚️ 

Start uncovering the basics with the YouTube video "Data Structures and Algorithms for Beginners" by Programming with Mosh.

Perplexity AI: Sourced Information at Your Service.

Perplexity AI sets itself apart from tools like ChatGPT by integrating direct sources into its responses. This integration means users can delve deeper into topics by exploring the sources provided, ensuring a thorough understanding. Additionally, this approach ensures the information is up-to-date, as it draws directly from the latest content available online. Ideal for users who want to avoid getting the inaccurate information that is sometimes found in ChatGPT’s responses.

Please Reply to these emails with feedback or any topics you are interested in.

We don’t have better algorithms. We just have more data.

Peter Norvig

See you scholars next week 🧑‍🎓 

I hope you enjoyed this week’s newsletter! A Machine advocates for education and exploration with technology, but remember to always be safe. Every day, anonymity becomes more difficult.

Thanks for reading,
See you Monday!